Friday 17 August 2012

Logo Design

Been designing a logo but I'm not allowed to use it for my own stuff, so here is a very close close-up.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

MCR Confidential Placement

I have been doing a placement in Manchester and here are a few images of me messing around with Twitter and Facebook icons for their website. 

Saturday 19 May 2012

Bedchamber Music Tees

I was also asked to create some t-shirts for Bedchamber Music, which I had to re-draw from photographs and screen print.

Dirty Work's Website

Almost at the stage of finishing uni now, which is bizarre, doesn't feel like 4 years at all. Here is a final piece of a website design I was working on, some bits still need to be finished before it all being uploaded.

Monday 7 May 2012

Getting close to the deadline!

Bits of things I have been doing recently, Screen printing my packaging, designing a range of decks as a three piece so they come as a package but have credible designs on their own. And the last image is of just half of my work for this semester, so many projects its getting me all confused.