Thursday 4 November 2010

Bit of Photoshop and Illustrator

One of my housemates has been getting into the photoshop/ illustrator tutorials online recently and I thought why not.. Since I have been using InDesign for the majority of my work recently I felt like it would be good to learn a few little tricks..


Ok, so I haven't blogged for quite a while because I have been busy with work and such. However I have just been given a brief which is to design a whole catalogue of a collection. The collection was to be something that you already owned, so I thought what better to do than trainers.... I have an amazing amount that I have bought from various shops/ countries..  Here are just a few...

I have started my research and because I like trainers, I luckily have a few books on them already. They are mainly about people customising their own and one-off/ designer collections. Art&Sole is one of the best as it has a versatile range.. and if you want some inspiration to customising your own kicks i would highly recommend Custom Kicks. Here are a few images from the books..

I think that once  I get myself into this brief the outcome should be good. I just hope I capture the true world of trainers in my work and where they came from back to the original converse from 1908.

Monday 11 October 2010

Just keep drawing

Okay so after finishing my project last night, i decided to crack out good old Jamiroquai and do some drawing then get an early night.. as usual i didn't end up getting an early night as i got carried away drawing as usual.. Here are the koi fish and bird that i drew (not finished) ..

I'm really liking drawing on black with my silver and white pens at the moment.. it just seems to make a really striking picture.. I think i might go and do a big piece down in the skate park along with my other one down there.. (I'll post some pictures when i can find them). New project today.. I need to find some good folding techniques! 

I just can't get this song out of head!! >>

Sunday 10 October 2010

I have just finished my first project back after a lovely five month summer. After spending a lot of time deliberating over which design to choose i ended up with this one. I hope it encompasses Elmwood for who they are :)