Thursday 4 November 2010

Bit of Photoshop and Illustrator

One of my housemates has been getting into the photoshop/ illustrator tutorials online recently and I thought why not.. Since I have been using InDesign for the majority of my work recently I felt like it would be good to learn a few little tricks..


Ok, so I haven't blogged for quite a while because I have been busy with work and such. However I have just been given a brief which is to design a whole catalogue of a collection. The collection was to be something that you already owned, so I thought what better to do than trainers.... I have an amazing amount that I have bought from various shops/ countries..  Here are just a few...

I have started my research and because I like trainers, I luckily have a few books on them already. They are mainly about people customising their own and one-off/ designer collections. Art&Sole is one of the best as it has a versatile range.. and if you want some inspiration to customising your own kicks i would highly recommend Custom Kicks. Here are a few images from the books..

I think that once  I get myself into this brief the outcome should be good. I just hope I capture the true world of trainers in my work and where they came from back to the original converse from 1908.