Tuesday 13 December 2011

Day Project

Today as our last project of the semester we were asked to create 4 posters for the University's Summer exhibition with given rules and guidelines. We had 8 hours to complete them, some of the outcomes I like and others not so much, but here they are...

The Informer

Just found some more work from a project earlier in the semester.. Rebranding the University's newspaper, I wasn't chosen but it was great to do to see how it would work on an actual newspaper. Here is my front cover and a few of the spreads from inside.

Monday 12 December 2011

"On This Day"

Okay, last post of the blitz this evening! Last week I handed in my ISTD project, which was based around "on this day". I chose to do a drop-out for a magazine about the various ways the world is going to end on 21st December 2012. One side of the drop-out is satirical and the other serious. I need to change quite a few things and my tutors said it was more of a taster than the full thing, but they liked the over all styling and thought it was very modern. Over christmas I'm going to change parts and add more to make it more of a full booklet. Here are the original spreads.

America Road Trip 2011

This summer I was luckily enough to be taken on a trip of my life thanks to my amazing parents for my 21st birthday present. We flew to San Francisco where we spent about 4 days, then drove to Yosemite National Park, on to Death Valley, The Grand Canyon, The Hoover Dam and through to Las Vegas. It was an amazing experience and a trip that I will never forget. Here are just a few images of the beautiful surroundings I was in, totally awe-inspiring!





Skate Decks

 I have been doing a lot more drawing and painting recently. As well as designing a tattoo for a friend which he has had done and looks sick, I have branched out to design and paint my own skate decks. My custom skate decks are now being sold in Dirty Work Graffiti Supplies in Manchester. If you want a custom deck or would like one you see here, just give me a shout!

Signage Systems

We were given a project to design corporate identities. I chose to do the N.A.M.V which is the North Atlantic Maritime Volunteers. After designing their corporate identity we had to design a signage system for their building. Here are my presentation boards for their signage..

Cover It

Just an idea for a cover of another summative project.

Photography Exhibition Poster

Me and one of my housemates (Taengon) who is also a graphic designer were asked to design a poster for the BA Photography exhibition. Here is what we came up with....

Fluid Branding

I went to do work experience at a company called Fluid Branding. During my time there I learned a lot about Adobe Illustrator and how to use areas in much more depth. I was mainly re-drawing logos and designing some. Here are a couple of examples of work that I did whilst there..

Summative Project yr2

These are a  couple of spreads from a summative project that I did in year two of my degree. We had to create some work of any format that was based on what we had learned during that semester.

Where I left off..

Been a very long time since I have blogged, and third year is in full swing.. My last posts were about my sneaker catalogue so here are a few spreads from that..