Friday 17 August 2012

Logo Design

Been designing a logo but I'm not allowed to use it for my own stuff, so here is a very close close-up.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

MCR Confidential Placement

I have been doing a placement in Manchester and here are a few images of me messing around with Twitter and Facebook icons for their website. 

Saturday 19 May 2012

Bedchamber Music Tees

I was also asked to create some t-shirts for Bedchamber Music, which I had to re-draw from photographs and screen print.

Dirty Work's Website

Almost at the stage of finishing uni now, which is bizarre, doesn't feel like 4 years at all. Here is a final piece of a website design I was working on, some bits still need to be finished before it all being uploaded.

Monday 7 May 2012

Getting close to the deadline!

Bits of things I have been doing recently, Screen printing my packaging, designing a range of decks as a three piece so they come as a package but have credible designs on their own. And the last image is of just half of my work for this semester, so many projects its getting me all confused.

Monday 6 February 2012

Evolution Commission

Just came across some photos of when I created hoodies for the Evolution Paintballing team. It was a commissioned piece of work and I think I screen printed about 10 hoodies along with other items. Here are a few images: 

Thursday 19 January 2012

Dissertation Survey

Hi guys, just getting a mountain of work piling up on top of me, one of the pieces being my dissertation which is on Graffiti as a subculture. If you have two minutes please can you take the time to fill it in purleasee. 

Follow the link ....

much love x

Sunday 8 January 2012

Back on it

Okay, so after being very ill over the festive period and having barely and christmas food :( I've been re-doing bits and bobs of last semesters work for the hand in on monday, here are a few images of the ISTD project in progression. I'll also be posting my new identity and some work on a commissioned website as soon as I battle this dissertation into submission.